
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunshine's prayer

Sunshine’s prayer

My best friend sent me the sweetest message today and it made me so thankful. I'm one of those "mother's day and father's day is a hallmark money holiday, lets celebrate our parents everyday" type of woman. But everyone doesn't think like me: shocker!

Today I wasn’t going to write anything, but then I remembered a close friend who lost her dad recently and it hit me that this was her first year without her father. I remembered the son not speaking to his father. And I also remembered the girl who never knew her dad. 

I know there are many people out there who may have lost a father recently or years ago. To you who lost your father, never knew your father, or doesn’t speak to your father, here’s my prayer for you out there and my dear friend D:

Dear lord,

Today I pray for that person reading this,
Who on this day can only think of the loss/lack of a father
I don't know them all but you lord know every single hair on our heads so you know them all and everything about them.
 You blessed me with loved ones who pray for me, and I realize that's not the case for all, so I pray for them.

Father, I also pray for those who never had a father
Fill their hearts with love, peace, and joy
Take away anger, jealousy, and hurt from this day

Restore the love and respect between sons and fathers
Restore the love and respect between daughters and fathers
Lord they say “The first man a woman typically loves is her father…faults and all.” Help us, sons and daughters, to love our parents, faults and all.

Last lord, help us to continue to honor our fathers and mothers
On and mostly OFF the Internet
 So that we may live long like you word says.
Thank you for being our healer, redeemer, and savior.


Treasure the memories and enjoy this day. If it means logging off social media, spending time alone, it's ok you're allowed. Just don't stay in a funk.

“The fatherless- they find their rest at the sound of your great name”- Natalie Grant

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said ��
    From ur sissy YK��
