
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Personality branding of My Miry


In the book Personality not included  Rohit Bhargava, talks about branding by using what he calls a "UAT filter" (Unique, Authentic, and Talkable). My Miry has it's own uniqueness because unlike other African designers who have tried to create just shoes out of African fabric, she also has an accessory line and leather goods. Her shoes do not have to worn with just African clothing, you can also wear it with a nice skirt, jeans, plain shirt, etc. My Miry set themselves apart by widening what their brand has to offer. More people are talking and "liking" My Miry on twitter, and Facebook, for the simple fact that they can get their shoes and matching accessories of the same material by buying from My Miry. Sara Coulibaly knew how to position herself when it came to showing how she wanted to be perceived. She is in Paris but she has a team in the UK, and in Ivory Coast making her brand accessible both in Europe and Africa. 

Sara Coulibaly tries to be authentic by going all over the world to find material that tells a story. Being from Ivory Coast, she could easily just make shoes that come from her country. But  because she wants women to feel beautiful in their heels, she goes everywhere to find that shoe that will separate every woman from the next. For me Coulibaly builds trust with her customers by showing how much love she has for her african heritage by using material from Africa to make shoes and affordable shoes. The meaning behind My Miry is a mixture of English and French, "Miry" means "thoughts"- my thoughts. 

                                              Source: Facebook- My Miry

For a brand to be known or talked about: someone's gotta be talking about it! My Miry has a Facebook page (See Facebook page here) and Twitter (See Twitter page here). "Creating something talkable is all about finding the right hook and helping your customers pass it on." One hook that My Miry has is using the word "pagne" (french for cloth) and "magnifique" (french for wonderful) makes a combination of "Pagnifik". It's catchy and gives that sense of buying something chic. Bhargava believes in word of mouth as a great form of marketing and My Miry encourages customers to post pictures and tag them so they know who is buying, from where, but at the same time your friends are seeing. 

My Miry does not have a specific slogan. To me this isn't a bad thing because every shoes is made of different material, different styles, which makes it unique. One of Ms Coulibaly's main vision for this brand was to be "unique" and she achieves it by not having a specific slogan. Every shoe represents a different stone, making it harder to stick to one slogan (in my opinion). The name and logo exhibit a brand that was created to cater to women who want to wear something vibrant and that's made only for them: My Miry ("my thoughts"). 

My Miry fits with Bhargava's three personality symbols by having unique materials/products to choose from, by being different and allowing customers to share their pictures on their platform. I would describe this brand as vibrant, chic, unique, fun, and affordable to women from different social statuses. I do believe that Sara Coulibaly did a good job at matching her brand goals to the brand itself. She wanted something unique and fun to be worn with anything, and that's what her shoes are. 

Source: Facebook- My Miry

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