
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Media Relations done My Miry's way

When you think of a media relations for a brand you think, newspaper, television, radio, etc. That's what some call "traditional media relations". My Miry doesn't really use "traditional" ways. Times have changed with "new" media relations strategies such as, twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc but the "traditional" way is still there. My Miry being a new brand has adopted the "new" way of doing things. It's not easy to start a company, so you have to think "out with the old, in with the new" and that's what My Miry does. My Miry uses social media platforms like Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook. Now, I know I keep talking about the "new" but they do have press releases, not as much as I'd like to see but they are there.

I think that My Miry does a good job of using the branding details and incorporating it into their media relations strategies through what social media they use so far. But I do think there's a lot of room to grow in that as well, by creating more relationships with their customers. Loyal customers buy, buy, and buy. My Miry needs to tweet more, post more and continued to build a trust with their customers. Their brand strategy is strong in Europe but not in Africa and definitely not in the US. 

I think that the media strategies My Miry use work well with the overall personality of the organization. Their first target is women, and they are doing a very good job at capturing their attention. Women love to look good and even with our love-hate relationship with social media (or like me you tolerate it), we like to find our next outfits online. One other target audience I would like to see are products/services for men. Men love to dress, especially African men. Put an African man in a nice shoe made of African material, he's telling his friends and helping you sell/expand! 

One area I believe they can improve is by releasing more press releases and getting them all translated into English. Another strong media outlet to promote and build a bigger fan base would be through Pinterest and creating an Instagram page. When it comes to anything that has to do with fashion, Instagram and Pinterest have shown to be the best outlets for a company to put themselves out there. They could do more on where they post now and get people talking. We stay on top of the latest trends and promotions, so we will definitely be buying. I live on Instagram and Pinterest, so My Miry please get one.

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